Monday, September 17, 2007

Just a tad late...

Week 9

This week I thought I’d have a go with point form in outlining what I have learnt and understood from the reading. The main points I focussed on are:

• How newspaper editors detest clichéd events such as ribbon cutting ceremonies (bit random I thought)
• Sponsorship should not be confused with donations, philanthropy or bequests – sponsorship expects a return
• Sponsorship creates goodwill and provides opportunities to enhance a companies image
• There are 3 main types of sponsorship; philanthropic, corporate and marketing
• Both positives and negatives must be determined when planning a sponsorship proposal ie how it will effect the image
• Sponsorship proposals would be informative and to the point – don’t get carried away discussing the event in detail. Focus on what the reader will want to know and why they should have a part in it.
• Ambush marketing is when a company associates themselves with an event unfairly eg a hot air balloon over a football game
• There are several tactics to prevent ambush marketing which include recognition of sponsor and controlling of event
• Media coverage (event publicity) is critical
• “News is anything that can make a reader say; “Gee Wizz!”” – Arthur MacEwen
• Product demonstration can present opportunities for products to be recognised
• Events must be planned to particular detail including funds, preparation, organisation and execution of the actual event
• Risk amanagement is recquired – O’Toole and Mikolaitis process of “Identfy→Assess→Treat→Monitor→Evaluate”

The readings made me think more about Sponsorship in Public Relations and what exactly needs to be undertaken in this process. There is so much that needs to be done in PR and each week this is still being recognised.

Overall the dot point thing worked rather well, however it made my blog look rather small and uneducated. It helped me pick out the critical points in short, nail on the head parts, but I found I wasn’t as in depth as other weeks.

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