Monday, July 23, 2007

The Wonders of Our Lecture

Week 2

As I have not obtained the textbook yet I'll comment on the lecture. Firstly, I think that Melanie presents this subject and topics in an interesting way which holds my attention much better than the lovely semester one subject of Intro to Comm. The slides with short and direct points to then be explained further by Melanie helps in understanding the concepts, as we saw with The Four Models of Public Relations. The lecture also helped me to understand the difference between marketing and PR and the main objectives between the two, and how PR is on a different level to marketing and advertising.

As my memory is terrible and Melanie went a bit too fast between slides so my notes are half scribbled, this is all I can really remember :-S


kristen said...

hooray! blogs! come and date me... haha

zeejay007 said...

And I really loved your little sketches in the lecture too!
Memories of Film & T.V studies! Haha, good times!
Well, you also should acknowledge my helpfulness in your blog too, I am super, huh?
Keep up the good insights, and get the text!! :-)

Phoebe said...

Hey em
I totally agree intro to comm was boring in semester 1. I'm so glad your in my tutes I will definately need your help with these computers